Posts Tagged ‘white-out


Winteresque sneaks back

Yes I think I made up a name. The recent spring blizzard is reminiscent of  winteresque weather. Our neighbours in the southern part of the province had been hit several times, while we escaped the heavy, white blanket. But earlier this week we got nailed. Moisture is always welcome especially since the prolonged dryness prompted fire bans in several communities and rural areas. But, I wasn’t expecting such a bonanza.

While we had white-out conditions a community about 35 minutes east was unscathed and held onto their green landscape.

My driveway plugged up. Not because of the snow, but the raging winds made drifts too large to blast through. Besides, a drift of this wet Vancouver-like snow would be like hitting concrete if I took a run at the driveway.

The snow blower doesn’t like this type of moisture. So, out comes the grain shovel to make a small path for the tires of my two-wheel drive.

If I hold my tongue right, I can drive out of the yard and manoeuvre the 300-foot driveway packed with white wonder without any problem.

To get to that point took four days. Yup, four days.

Now the snow is melting and most farmers are breathing a small sigh of relief, however some fields in  the province are too wet. That’s just the way Mother Nature is. She has her own agenda and if it works out for us humans, count your blessings.

But wait, there’s more. The May long weekend, that kicks off the camping season, is notorious for heavy wet snow.

While folks from the city in their tents at campgrounds might not appreciate the irony, in these parts we have had snow in every month.

Take your parka camping this summer just in case winteresque sneaks back.

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