Posts Tagged ‘wind


Snow days

Keeping a long driveway clear of snow can be an Olympic event. Depending on the amount of winter from the sky, the direction and duration of the wind, keeping the drifts in an orderly fashion can require the strength of Hercules.

Some years the wall of white grows to four or five feet and plugs a path to civilization. When a tractor can’t come to the rescue – ours has an implement that works like an auger for wet snow – then it is time to pull out the he-man walk behind snow blower.

Despite self propelling features, the blower needs some muscle to get the desired results. I tried operating it once and laughed at myself as the machine did what it wanted instead of what I wanted. Needless to say that chore belongs to hubby.

On a mild day, say minus 20 Celsius the job is manageable. But if the temperature drops to minus 30, then I guess we are staying home.

I usually prepare for a lock down because of weather. However the kindness of family and friends is available if supplies are dwindling.

While some may go stir crazy at the thought of being a snow prisoner for a few days, I enjoy it. I can wear PJs all day if I want and put off dusting for another day.

The herd of felines is not fussy for a lot of snow. It is a challenge for them to scoot to their favourite sun spot. I bring out the shovel and make them a path to the water dish and their sunning bench. And they are content to curl their paws under their body and soak up the golden warmth.

Snow days can be a break from routine. Yet it challenges those who don’t have the luxury of staying home in their jammies to do some Christmas baking.

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